Wednesday, November 6, 2019

This blog post will be more informative with more description on the magazine cover. Our title Off The Rack will be in small letters on top and the symbol OTR will be in big letters in the top left corner. There might be a pug in the top right corner. The main person of the magazine will be mostly center but maybe a little over to the right if necessary. I would like them to be posing either with their hand through the hair or with arms spread wide of a view. I will have descriptions with buzz words along the left side and some on the right. The person in the middle should look a little sassy or controlling because in a big bold font will be the words "Sassy Summer Time" somewhere on the magazine. There should be some description of what will be in the magazine relating to teens near the bottom. Some subtitles in the magazine can be trending clothes, getting ready for fall and bathing suits. Our slogan will be "Explore your true style" and it will go across the middle near the bottom in a catchy font.

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