Monday, December 2, 2019

Over thanksgiving break I got a few productive things done. Most importantly, I took the picture of my friend for the magazine cover. I am also now changing what I originally had planned, because I was going to have a darker and mysterious cover, but now I am changing it to a more happy and colorful cover. On the Wednesday before thanksgiving, me and my friend went to her apartment pool, and I took pictures of her next to the pool. She wore a yellow bathing suit and had a vitamin water with her to add something else into the picture. I had her tilt her head and smile, so the audience of the cover will get a happy summer vibe. Lastly, I took the picture with my own Iphone X. I took a medium long shot of my friend, as it shows her from her legs up. I took this shot so it can show her whole bathing suit but also so she is not that far away.

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